I've been cooking at home a lot and am doing more experimenting. I take a common dish and try out variations on it to see what I like best, so I created Abstract Recipes to help me out. The idea is that you create a common dish called an 'Abstract' that you and others can contribute recipes against. You can even take someone's recipe as a base and make your own tweaks to it. It's pretty barebones right now (didn't have as much time this weekend as I thought), but there are lot of things I want to add - voting, images, recipe templates for abstracts, and lots more recipes.
This was a combination of solving a problem and forcing myself to launch, so I'm up for any feedback you guys have.
- You might want to throw a little more flair on the front page, and pictures say a lot more than words, and the food space is a great place for pictures
- Could I ask about your backend? I think this would be a great project for a graph (neo4j?) database, I wonder if it would fit your models well