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Show HN: Flat $0.12/hr m1.small EC2, insert bitcoins to launch, coupon code "hn" (bitnodes.io)
4 points by _shfu on June 7, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Assuming these instances are launched in your account (frightening liability there, but I digress), how are you getting past Amazon's default 20 instance limit? I know they'll increase the limit, but it's case by case.

We got Amazon to approve for 100 instances for our early beta. They are aware of our plan but that doesn't mean endorsement on their part.

This seems like a terrible idea. I love it.

The hn code doesn't seem to work?

how will you get over the 20/100 instance limit?

We are allowed to increase the limit as needed.

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