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Ask HN: "Mobile first" strategy
1 point by coryl on June 5, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments
Mobile first seems to be a trendy and hot buzzword for new startup strategy. I wanted to know if anyone could elaborate on where this came from, what it actually means, or share resources on the topic like blog posts. Thanks

Mobile first is a pattern for responsive design where you start with the lowest common denominator, the phone, and make sure the experience works and then you enhance it as the resolution goes up. Personally, I do it the other way around. Mobile first restricts you and doesn't let you see the whole picture IMO. If you want the best experience start with the best device, the desktop.

Like forgingahead said - Ignore it. It may sound cliche but don't follow trends, follow real data.

Ignore it -- just build for what your customer base uses.

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