We help web and mobile companies analyze their AB test data to optimize user experience. Aimed at product managers who aren't data experts, our cloud analytics service is unlike any other. It not only provides real-time access to all relevant data, both structured and unstructured, but also helps quickly learn why users do what they do (see www.amiato.com). Our customers can do in hours what previously took days. We've got great traction with notable gaming, mobile, and e-commerce companies and are growing fast.
We're looking for full-stack developers to help:
- (front-end): build beautiful, intuitive visualizations that help answer why. (We're fans of D3.js).
- (back-end): build and support a scalable, multi-tenant web application
We're big data experts that believe there's more to data than stats and charts. Data is full of stories that enlighten and empower, and we want to help people discover and tell them.
If this sounds exciting, drop us a note at jobs@amiato.com with a resume, profile, or background info. We will get back to you.