Sabu's sentencing has been delayed, but last August he pleaded guilty to ten counts of hacking, one of bank fraud, and one of identity theft, carrying a potential maximum jail sentence of 124 years.
Yeah, it's interesting that this whole LulzSec thing turned out to be a "false flag psyop" by the FBI. This would mean that while "Sabu" was an informant, many of the hacks performed were sanctioned by the FBI.
No he's mocking the idea that the FBI sanctioned the attacks. As far as I can tell, all major hacks by lulzsec predate the conversion of Sabu, but even if the FBI had control of Sabu before some of the attacks, that does not mean the FBI sanctioned them.
At best the FBI decided it was more important to catch these people than it was to prevent the leaking of some cc's.
> As far as I can tell, all major hacks by lulzsec predate the conversion of Sabu
According to wiki, "He later turned informant for the FBI, working with the agency for over ten months to aid them in identifying other hackers from Lulzsec and related groups"
The CIA's website went down June 15th, 2011 (towards the end of the LulzSec campaign) - definitely while Sabu was working for the FBI.
"I've had it just about up to here with inane conspiracy theories about every corner of government including the DMV and the Census Bureau, but please do give me one more!"
Yes, because domestic spying agencies (or their controlling entities) couldn't possibly have anything to gain by increased control over the web- let's say through legislation, followed by the outcome of events like LulzSec.
Anonymous is an enemy of the state. Also, some of the US Government's own citizens are joining this enemy of the state, making them enemy combatants. It is lawful (meaning: within the bounds of international convention) for a government to infiltrate an enemy, and even lead its enemies' campaigns, if it means that the government utimately prevails by doing so.
If you're going to be an enemy of the state, expect the state to react accordingly. They hold no quarter for terrorists since the Dubya Administration.
Sabu was a friend of the United States Government. Benedict Arnold was a friend of the British Crown. both are cheered by their supporters, and derided by their enemies.