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on May 14, 2013 | hide | past | favorite

From the application: "You should be reading this while wearing Glass".

This might be slightly unrealistic considering very few people actually have the Glass hardware and only a very small percentage of those (who just dropped $1500 on a toy) are interested in a mid-level development/blogging job.

At the moment, is it 100% necessary to own the Glass hardware to develop for it?

They may be specifically targeting Google employees. The job description reads very much like the current Developer Advocate position.

Interesting. We're definitely open to everyone not just google employees.

IIR, one of the complaints was that a major percentage of the Glasses were won by people who had more money than programming skill (or even an appreciable amount of sense).

I wonder how many years of experience the HR department will expect candidates to have...

What HR dept? :)

We're a team of 3 in Mountain View scaling the engineering team to 10 as soon as we find the right people.

Its just joking about HR departments asking for silly qualifiers instead of looking at people's Github accounts. A few of us have seen some of these asking for more experience than is physically possible (8-10 years developing iOS apps)

Was "Vision coverage" benefit already present or was it added after the Google Glass Engineer search started ? :-)

I love it. Hall are direct competitors to us, but I freely acknowledge that this is great thinking. Forward looking, aggressive, shooting for the leading edge of the curve. What's not to like? If we had money to hire one, we'd be doing the same thing. Am I jealous? Maybe a little bit!

Still, good move by the Hall.com guys. They don't seem to get a lot of publicity for some reason, but they're doing good stuff.

This sounds pretty awesome.

One quick correction: you should probably change the URL on the image, as hall.com/jobs doesn't resolve properly.

Thanks for catching that bug... Making the update now. The correct link: http://hall.theresumator.com/

I wonder if there is an IRC client for Glass. In that case you could use Team Relay Chat on it already :)

Will glass allow developers to build apps for it?


Here's some: http://glass-apps.org/

Yes, there's an open API.

"10+ years Google Glass experience is a MUST"

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