Go is the oncoming storm. Been writing in Go for an year now. My dev config: API server + AngularJS. Before Go, I had never done serious web development(Android Developer), so I don't know the difference, but when I see fellow developers talking about concurrency and API's with respect and awe, I giggle inside a little.
Previously I have also done GUI programming with Python, and the freedom from: not worrying about indentation, slow speed and default sync behavior is relieving.
Talking about verbosity is a bit dodgy since it also depends on the skills of the programmer. But, at-least in my case, I think my Go code is less verbose then I would have written in Python. One of the main reasons for that is the highly accessible type system.
Yes, it somehow manages to be less verbose than Python, while still being very readable. Sure, you do leave something on the table, but its a fair trade.
Less verbose than Python -- interesting (not that Python is "verbose"!). I've always heard Go was almost as concise as Python, but not quite. Can you give a couple of multi-line Go code examples that are more concise than the equivalent Python?
I found the ability to define a method on a slice/array to be less verbose than the equivalent inherit/delegation setup in Ruby, though I can't speak for Python. http://nathany.com/good
I can't imagine a more concise syntax for automatic delegation than Go's embedding.
Previously I have also done GUI programming with Python, and the freedom from: not worrying about indentation, slow speed and default sync behavior is relieving.
Talking about verbosity is a bit dodgy since it also depends on the skills of the programmer. But, at-least in my case, I think my Go code is less verbose then I would have written in Python. One of the main reasons for that is the highly accessible type system.