Actually NLP has made great progress in the last few years and there are commercial products now based on it: Watson, Siri, Google Now are good examples.
This is amusing because just today, while I was driving decided to attempt to use Siri (something I do about once a month to remind me why I don't use it). I said, "Nirvana Nevermind". "Sorry, I don't know how to do that." "Play Nirvana Nevermind". "Sorry, I don't know how to do that." "Search music Nirvana Nevermind". "Sorry, I can't search for music."
Well, your last example is evidence that there was a successful interpretation of the sentence.
Things like machine translation, text to speech, and natural language understanding will only gradually get better.
If you compare how well something like Siri does now (not very well) to similar “tools” 10 years ago (awful), it’s hard to deny that some progress has been made.