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I think I am a bit face-blind too, and it seems to be mostly with women as well. I'm almost completely thrown off when a woman does a complete makeover. I find myself flustered by actresses quite often, having almost no idea if I should know who this person in the film is or not.

I can usually tell the difference between the various actresses in the same film, but across films I definitely have trouble.

But I have had trouble with some films that have multiple young brunette male actors (in their 20s to early 30s). There's been more than one movie where I didn't realize two different characters were two characters until it was almost over (or one of them died and the other kept on kicking). A second watching usually gets me sorted out.

I frequently weirded out by people who can look at a random candid photo of a famous person in a disguise and know who it is. The folks who work at TMZ blow me away.

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