I can definitely say that Klingon isn't a language you can just jump into. Er... I mean Haskell.
However, being the first functional language I'm really starting to grok I'm amazed at how powerful and concise it is.
Wasn't it Eric S. Raymond that told us we should all learn at least one functional language (namely lisp) in our lives not necessarily to program in, but to make us a better programmers?
Not just concise, but also readable. An example: translate lists into 'english text' lists. That is ["Apples"] -> "Apples", ["Apples", "Oranges"] -> "Apples and Oranges", ["Apples", "Oranges", "Pears"] -> "Apples, Oranges and Pears", etc.
def englishlist(array)
array[0..-2].join(', ').to_s + (array.size > 1 ? ' and ' : '') + array.last.to_s
(Not claiming it's as clear to read, but I miss my old one-liner contests! ;)
You can implement it roughly as clearly (although not as efficiently) as such:
def englishlist(array)
case array.length
when 0; ""
when 1; array.first
when 2; array.join(' and ')
else; array.first + ', ' + englishlist(array[1..-1])
I do love me the Haskell so far, but I'm only into the basics still. Love pattern matching, was one of my favorite aspects of Erlang.
Ok, I'll be the nudge and say I don't understand the point. I never "got" this type of example from the lispers using destructuring and recursion on simple examples either.
This (and others) has a fairly obvious and equally readable counterpart in C++ (or any other imperative language, really), but there's a reason why one doesn't implement it this way in those languages -- and a reason why (some of) the examples given have a certain bias towards iteration.
Wouldn't the same reason hold in haskell? Or do we care about runtime efficiency at all?
It complies to neither an iterative NOR a recursive version. It compiles to LAZY version. This code doesn't loop at all. It forces the argument just deep enough to go three nodes into the list spine. Then, picks the branch based on the number items in the list, forces the first element of the list, and sets up a thunk for appending everything on later.
This was a little bit of a simplification of things; I don't need to go into great detail to make my point.
Okay, but in doing so, it's not pushing an extra stack frame with each step, but rather just jmping its way along, correct? That's what most people think of as being iterative (or tail-recursive), rather than simply recursive, behaviour, and it can apply equally to a lazy algorithm.
No, you can't simply apply that analysis to lazy algorithms. foldr is not a tail-recursive function in a strict language. However, in a lazy language, foldr may not push O(n) frames on the stack.
The code you are looking at here is NOT tail-recursive. Haskell's implementation of ++, in a strict language, will always push O(n) frames on the stack.
But it IS true that this code is O(1) in stack consumption with Haskell's execution model.
Yes, it can apply. Developing an intuition for when Haskell produces strict code and when the compiler is not smart enough to remove the lazyness, helps tremendously in programming bigger programs. I am still in the process of acquiring said intuition.
I think the point is, recursive solutions like the above are often easier to read.
In fact the example above looks tail-recursive to me (at least if you add in an accumulator parameter). That means a good compiler will make it efficient.
Yeah but to be fair he said you should learn a decent language from all paradigms, things like Smalltalk, Haskell, Prolog, C etc. and not specifically functional programming.
He was quite specific about learning Lisp though, probably because of the metaprogramming aspect.
Because sometimes it isn't right for the job? Haskell is absolutely awesome for some things (probably quite a lot of things in fact) but for some other things it's maybe not optimal.
It's a lot of fun though, and if even it does nothing but stretch your mind to some new ways of doing things then it's very much worth learning.
I meant "not necessarily to program in". E.g. it's not going to be something you use all the time. The sad fact is that a lot of existing code and companies use fairly safe languages like C and Java, but simply knowing how to think about functional programming will help you out with all your programming, no matter the language.
I'm curious why you consider C to be safe but Haskell not. Seeing as C has no bounds checking on arrays, runtime type-checking, or garbage collection, I'm tempted to argue to the contrary.
Do it every chance you get! It's just that you can't always program with a fun functional language.
The hardest part is in collaboration with people who have been using C for 10+ years and aren't interested in other things. Fortunately we have standards for linking object files together independent of their source language.
However, being the first functional language I'm really starting to grok I'm amazed at how powerful and concise it is.
Wasn't it Eric S. Raymond that told us we should all learn at least one functional language (namely lisp) in our lives not necessarily to program in, but to make us a better programmers?