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Revolutionary New Website Builder (webzai.com)
1 point by idanmezan on April 21, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Script error in Firefox 20:

  A script on this page may be busy,
  or it may have stopped responding.
  You can stop the script now, or you
  can continue to see if the script
  will complete.

  Script: http://az388832.vo.msecnd.net/201304151458126398/designer-and-viewer/viewer-prod.js:274
Inconsistent branding: domain is “webzai.com”, product is referred to in most text and logos as “webzai” or “Webzai”, but is spelt differently in the “Built with wezai” strips.

You're right, I have inform them and it's already fixed. Obviously it should have been Webzai.

They've only fixed one of the strips (the gallery is still built in wezai) and the script still gives me an error (I presume that is why the “Website Templates” section doesn't display).

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