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Feedback of Bluetooth integration on Educational Apps
1 point by just3 on April 14, 2013 | hide | past | favorite
Hi, I’m just starting off in the educational market creating simple mathematical games mainly for upper elementary and middle school students.

One of the main features I’ve included in my apps is the ability to connect 2 devices together through bluetooth and play competitively or cooperatively within the classroom.

My thinking is that some schools will find the use of Bluetooth a great choice since many school district may block devices connecting to each other through the wireless network due to security concerns. Using Bluetooth allows the connectivity to happen just with devices within a short range.

I would really like to receive feedback on the technical aspect and my line of thought above of the use of Bluetooth.

Check out my math games here: http://www.mathfilefoldergames.com/my-math-apps/bluetooth-games/

Having a lot of entrepreneurs on this forum, I would love to hear how you would go about getting my apps into more schools too?



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