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6 Months of free DropBox Pro (getdropbox.com)
32 points by mikeyur on April 6, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 23 comments

Good move- I tried DropBox while there was the limit and deleted it, since I didn't feel like sectioning off what matters and what doesn't. With 50GB, I just setup symlinks to everything that matters on my system... and it's syncing! In the background! Without me doing anything! Totally badass.

Definitely going to be sticking around once the six months ends up, but I wouldn't have tried again without the offer.

This is the way I use dropbox. I even created a script to install all of my packages and create the proper symlinks. Makes setting up a new computer (frequent occurrence with VM's) super simple.

Dropbox rocks!

I had a hard drive crash recently. I can't tell you how this makes me feel. If I had used DropBox, I wouldn't have lost so much data. Truly, DropBox is a way of the future.

It's my working folder for all important material and to do that, I needed the extra space. Should try the symlink stuff. That's neat

Are there benefits to a pro account other than the extra space? I'm not interested in the space, but if I saw a list and saw some other useful feature, I'd reconsider.

Nay. Just 48Gb more.

That's pretty nasty, I just know I'll forget to cancel after a whole 6 months have passed and I've amassed 50GB of files I don't want to prune. Nice move!

Most "money back guarantee" or "cancel before being charged" sites count on one simple fact: 90+% of people won't either ask for their money back, or cancel their account.

It's pretty much a no-brainer to offer a money-back guarantee to consumers - and maybe even to businesses.

Did you guys do any analysis to get the 6 months number? Just curious -- I really respect the way you do things, so I'm wondering how much statistical thinking you put into your business.

for this, no -- tim wanted some help with his charity effort, so we put something together quickly.

otherwise, we use analytics, split testing and surveying all the time to drive business decisions, like what policies to set, what features to prioritize, content for landing pages/signup/referral flows etc. of course, we also listen to feedback and our own product intuition -- hard data is just one input.

sean ellis also helped us a lot -- see http://startup-marketing.com -- and i like dave mcclure's "aarrr" model (google it)

I'm a DB Pro user, but I'm still waiting for selective sync (ignorelist / watch any folder). Originally slated for Jan, but things have fallen behind a few months.

DB guys need any help with that? Looking for an internship, e-mail in profile...

Login to your basic account, you need to enter a credit card number.

Found via Tim Ferriss' twitter - http://twitter.com/tferriss/status/1464561357

I've logged into my basic account (which I've had for a while) and don't see anywhere to enter my credit card information without agreeing to pay. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Make sure you're logged in and click the above link. It brings you to an upgrade page.

Read the fine print, it says "charge me $100 year after October 6th" or "charge me $9.99 monthly after October 6th". I chose monthly because I don't want to get caught with a $100 charge if I forget to cancel.

What do you guys use for your payment processing? Very slick. I love dropbox, and will definately be upgrading our account for NewsCred.

nice find. i already have a pro account, but wouldnt mind some sort of coupon?

This is a really interesting issue: how can you do discounts to get new users without upsetting your existing paid users?

Yeah, it is very difficult. Some retail stores (who deal with this regularly) allow customers within a certain timeline to request the discount. However, I'm not certain how well this works in practice, and I have no idea how well it would work for online stuff. People already feel more entitled when it comes to the offerings between free and premium services, so I think its psychologically more problematic.

For me, I've been a Dropbox Pro user for months now, so I wouldn't really expect to get this kind of discount. But perhaps it would be nice if I could gain more than just space as a benefit for referring all my friends to the service. I don't need the space, but I would like to get an account credit for a small part of their subscription $$. I regularly tell people about dropbox and having an affiliate like service would help expansion, I think.

They do offer extra space for referrals actually (0.5GB/referral up to 6GB free on top of the 2GB free or pro plan). I had already referred a bunch of people so I emailed them and they quickly credited my account! Try sending them a nice message, they seem to be pretty on top of customer service :)

Haha, I misread your sentence "...more than just space as a benefit of referring..." For sure, credits would be very welcome too, although permanent extra space is decent as well. I'm at 60% of my 50GB, so I'm already getting to be a bit space-conscious.

Agreed. Dreamhost really pissed me off, because their $5 deal was only for new cutomers. Even though I was a cutomer 2 years ago, I couldn't use the St Patric's day coupon. :-(

How about getting a friend or family member to set up a new account in their own name and let you use it. In return you could buy them a cup of coffee or something.

I think they restricted it by domain name

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