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I created a "one hour" digital consulting on-demand service. Thoughts? (reddit.com)
2 points by lenkendall on April 1, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

Happy customer here. I'm bootstrapping a start-up and the $100 price point was about right for me: I had a moment or two of doubt in the week or so before the call but I definitely got value out of it, and Len is "a good guy to know." Len was actually kind enough to agree to let me live-stream and post our hangout on YouTube. You can watch it here if you want to preview the product, so to speak:


Len gave me a different perspective than I get otherwise from my circles. He's got a background in advertising and traditional PR, for example, which is something I've been trying to figure out how to approach. He's also tech-savvy without being a full-on developer himself. He helped me get outside the "geek bubble."

I don't know that I'll be able to spare another $100 for him anytime soon, but I don't regret hiring him the first time.

Appreciate hearing this feedback. I think I'm going to make some augmentations as I continue to get more customers and responses. It was GREAT to learn about Gittip and a pleasure to offer counsel on something I really believe is a great product. Not something I always got to do on the agency side.

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