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Google's Google problem (economist.com)
11 points by mjn on March 25, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Google's habit of dropping products they lose interest in is the major reason I have not even tried out keep. For Evernote, it is a core business, for Google, just an interesting diversion. This same reason is why I have also not been interested in Go. C/C++ will practically live forever (open standard, many implementations, many core applications written in it). What will happen to Go if/when Google looses interest.

In general, I agree with your comment.

For the specific case of Go however, there is an easy solution: open source. Just as there are vibrant communities and multiple compilers for other languages, there could be for Go (if there is enough reason for communities to form). Unlike Reader, which requires some infrastructure to maintain, Go---once open sourced---would not.

Forgive me if you already knew this, but Go is open source, and has been from the start.

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