I would argue in favor of lower taxation on producers (lower taxation on everything, with a Federal government at least 1/4 smaller by focusing strictly on key priorities). I'd argue for a government matching the Bill Clinton era size, adjusted appropriately for 13 years, and the taxes to go with it.
My point was emphasis on production is extremely lacking in the US today. Presidents pay lip service to it (and absolutely nothing else), meanwhile China is beating our pants off by actually focusing on it. My other point was, production is more important than consumption (because the one must come before the other, not to say you don't need consumption of course).
You turn on the TV and every talking head says the same thing: consumption is 2/3 of the economy. So in their world we need more consumer spending - more people buying junk they don't need from China so China can get richer while we get poorer. When you put that into a logical context, it's comically absurd. Where do those talking heads think the money to consume comes from? 100% of it comes from production or credit, with the ability to spend being a left-over fractional fruit of production (aka the profit from producing something).
My point was emphasis on production is extremely lacking in the US today. Presidents pay lip service to it (and absolutely nothing else), meanwhile China is beating our pants off by actually focusing on it. My other point was, production is more important than consumption (because the one must come before the other, not to say you don't need consumption of course).
You turn on the TV and every talking head says the same thing: consumption is 2/3 of the economy. So in their world we need more consumer spending - more people buying junk they don't need from China so China can get richer while we get poorer. When you put that into a logical context, it's comically absurd. Where do those talking heads think the money to consume comes from? 100% of it comes from production or credit, with the ability to spend being a left-over fractional fruit of production (aka the profit from producing something).