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I'm endorsed for skills I wouldn't even endorse myself in. Incidentally, the folks endorsing me for these skills have never actually worked with me and couldn't tell you whether I could program my way out of a box.

I don't keep an up to date LinkedIn profile, mainly because I haven't found the network extremely useful to me. This has resulted in some languages and tools that I was once pretty familiar with remaining on my profile long after I forgot how to even spell them.

I wonder how well it could work to reduce "endorse-spam" if I could mark someone's endorsement of me as untrustworthy, and then their endorsements of other people could have a lesser weight? Seems like an overly complex solution to a problem that shouldn't exist.

I'd agree with you that it feels like it ought to be a crappy system, but out of curiosity, I just went and checked out my own profile. To my surprise, the "aggregate" of all of my 85 endorsements is fairly accurate. The top 5 are solid, and almost in the same order I'd rank them. There are a few which as you say, I wouldn't endorse myself for; but, only one of them made it to the top ten. I'd say that's not too bad since it a small sample. Maybe they don't need to change anything.

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