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Evangelism and PR in the Developer Community (braythwayt.com)
6 points by knowtheory on March 21, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

We in the developer community have noticed that you have employed a person or persons with the title “Developer Evangelist” and/or “Public Relations.” We understand this person’t duty is to represent your products and services in a positive light to our community.

In the past, companies like your have mishandled this crucial role, so we are reaching out to explain our “Code of Conduct Keys” or “CoCK.” Following these keys will guarantee smooth, uninterrupted relations with the developer community

[No comment section on that site]

Being the great speaker he is and understanding of the 'tech' community [you can tell from that from the site] would he have said this out loud at PyCon if he was sitting next to Richards' after she had told him she felt uncomfortable?

It's satire

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