You have it the wrong way. You are paying exactly nothing to "help them out". Money is being borrowed through the EFSF and EFSM and being lent to Ireland et al. This money goes directly to the bondholders of the defunct banks. These bondholders are the major German, Dutch and French banks. Deutsche Bank would have defaulted if the Irish or Spanish banking system went under.
In essence, The Irish have bailed out Germany and the rest of Europe. In the case of Ireland, they are now sitting on 80+ billions of Euros of debt that they have to pay back.
And remember: There was no haircut for the bondholders.
"Funny" how nearly everybody from each Euro country seems to think that _they_ are bearing the major burden. I hear it from the Germans, the English, the French, the Greek, the Irish...
The blaming and hating is growing. The EU received the Nobel peace prize just in time, could be too late some years later.
In essence, The Irish have bailed out Germany and the rest of Europe. In the case of Ireland, they are now sitting on 80+ billions of Euros of debt that they have to pay back.
And remember: There was no haircut for the bondholders.