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Don't take this the wrong way, but why would I want you to review my code? I would consider adding a few "achievements" like:

* I've worked on JS for x years.

* I've written client-side JS for x companies.

Anyway, you get the idea.

Hint: google his name. His target audience already knows who he is.


The HN effect only lasts for so long. Once the flash crowd evaporates, prospects need more than such an unvarnished offer before they can act.

Cozy up to your prospects. Release some educational content. Give some examples of how you deliver value with your code reviews.

Going forward, a testimonial strategy definitely wouldn't hurt.

> Release some educational content.

Like very well documented and widely used compiler of some language to JavaScript, perhaps?

I don't doubt that those who are familiar with his work won't hesitate in taking out the credit card and thwacking it at the screen.

Do you know if it would hurt those sales in any way if he inserts a short bio for those who don't?

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