This was actually a surprisingly worthwhile article. Thanks.
I find the headline contradicts the conclusion though. Really the IT department is useless on its own these days; however, the new digital divisions the article praises will rely heavily on IT doing the grunt work in bringing their visions to life.
IT departments are just getting knocked down a notch, which makes sense given the knew omnipresence of tech.
Interestingly, when the author described the CIO position I immediately had to think of bits from the DevOps movement - trying to bridge gaps and bring people together.
I find the headline contradicts the conclusion though. Really the IT department is useless on its own these days; however, the new digital divisions the article praises will rely heavily on IT doing the grunt work in bringing their visions to life.
IT departments are just getting knocked down a notch, which makes sense given the knew omnipresence of tech.