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> If you want fewer development mistakes, as a company you have to accept it will cost money and take more time. It's for a manager to decide where the optimal tradeoff exists.

This is absolutely it, of course it is possible to become so risk averse that you never actually succeed in getting anything done and there are certainly organisations that suffer from that (usually larger ones).

However some people seem to take the view that it is impossible to protect oneself from all risks therefor it is pointless protecting from any of them.

The good news is that usually protecting against risks tends to get exponentially more expensive as you add "nines" therefor having a 99% guarantee against data loss is a lot cheaper than a 99.999% guarantee.

Having a cronjob that does a mysqldump of an entire database, emails some administrator and then does rsync to some other location (even just a dropbox folder) is something that is probably only a couple of hours work.

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