Hi! I made http://weightgrapher.com/
Essentially, all the websites I've used between FitBit, LoseIT and MyFitnessPal have really poor graphing.
When I joined weight loss groups and forums I found most people are afraid of getting on the scale just because of how discouraging daily fluctuations can be.
I aimed to fix this problem by bringing exponentially damped averages into the weight graphing, and educating on using your trending weight to see how you're doing instead of the up-and-down of raw numbers.
Thoughts? Feedback?
If this is a free service, how do you plan to subsidize it if it becomes popular? Will your personal data remain private? Might the site stop working at some point without warning? Will you lose your data that you've entered?
Does the site work with other sites where you've tracked your weight, like MyFitnessPal, Nike+, Calorie Count, etc, at least for the purposes of importing data?
Will there be a community element of any kind for supporting each other? Will the site let you connect to other site APIs and export your weight if you log it and track it here?