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It's interesting that they are all programming in Windows, and all using IDEs.

The vast majority of games are made in Windows using an IDE. It's completely unremarkable.

You're a friendly one.

Edit: Parent comment was a snarky elitist "doesn't everyone know that?" comment, and I'm getting downvotes (on -2 right now). There really is a lot elitist bullshit on this site.

I don't want to sound like an ass, but the parent comment was right. Now, I understand if you thought the comment was snarky, but your comeback was even worse.

In order to be more constructive, what would you have thought they would use? Notepad? nano? edit? TextPad?

I would not have been surprised if one of them was using Linux, for a start. Particularly given that the Humble Bundles make a big deal about the games being cross platform.

I'm not an expert on current gaming development, and it just struck me as interesting. Sorry I spoke.

One of the developers (Wolfire's David) is building his game using the Unity game engine, which exports to Linux but only runs on OS X and Windows. Other engines / development environments like Unreal and Flash are similarly unavailable on Linux. The same is true of most 3D modelling and image editing packages.

The tools simply aren't available to make Linux an attractive game development environment.

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