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How is it different from any other industry ever?


Do you get news saying a new Prius was unvelied by 豊田 章男? Or Leo Rafael Reif released a lunar robot vehicle?

No, but you get people saying Britney Spears released a new album and Ron Howard has a new movie coming out. It's not in all industries, but it's certainly not unique to Yahoo. Since Yahoo seems to be headed in the direction of being a media company, it almost makes even more sense.

Yes, I agree with you. I disagree with simias saying "not different from any other industry, ever".

I believe the presence of the comma between industry and ever is a subtle distinction. With a comma, it implies that no industry has ever been the same. Without it, it negates the implication that no industry has ever been the same.

I see. As a non-native english speaker, I guess I read it wrong.

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