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"We cleaned up the design, made the pictures bigger and the text easier to read. And we added gadgets to the side so you can stay up to date on your stocks."

(As though the average Yahoo reader owns individual stocks?)

Yahoo finance is the biggest finance site on the internet. Sure we like to look at Yahoo as the old internet site that consists of former AOL users, but they do have massive traffic . I think it is a bit pretentious say that many people do not own stocks that visit there, it is an older demographic and older people are more likely to own stock.

Seriously ? I mean exactly how dull and boring do you want this to be. Given how many people worked on it, are impacted by it and what is represents surely a bit of excitement isn't asking too much.

Aren't "bigger pictures" and "gadgets" more exciting than "dynamic" and "intuitive" layout?

Tons of people like to play with stocks. The educated elite buy mutual funds.

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