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I've only looked at the mobile site on my iPhone, but it looks great. One of my complaints about Yahoo's homepage has always been their gossipy headline news stories in big pictures on the front page. I'm sure that got them lots of clicks with most people, but for me it just made me despise going to Yahoo's website. It looks like they've replaced that with actual news so far.

Really? The top two stories on the news carousel for me are:

1. "Nonstop shouting" at Pistorius home

2. Bruce Lee's mystery fight (which was interesting, but not exactly big world news)

Interestingly, I got the results above when logged into my Yahoo account, which I only use for Flickr and nothing else.

When I visited Yahoo from a blank browser, the Bruce Lee story didn't show up. I wonder if Yahoo guessed that I was Asian and thought that I would like Bruce Lee (well, I guess they were right on that one...)

* The most egregious part of this Yahoo carousel headline was that the story was about how the investigating officer in the Pistorius bail hearing did terribly during cross-examination. He had to admit, among other things, that the "witness" lived 600 meters away from the Pistorius home...which is quite a contradiction to the headline. Whatever merits Yahoo.com's facelift has, this incredibly bad editorial judgment left a terrible first impression with me.

Assuming they use the same data for story targeting that they do for ad targeting, you can see the profile they've built up around you (your account + your current browser) at http://info.yahoo.com/privacy/us/yahoo/opt_out/targeting/det... It might help to explain why you're seeing some of the stories you are.

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