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I looked further into the code and it's actually uglier than that. Since ruby can't get at the MAC directly, instead they call the ruby global rand function (which is a fast and weak psuedorandom generator on many platforms) 256 times, concatenate the results and sha1 it to create a fake MAC, which is then stuffed into the state file. If a state file exists, it is preferred to creating a new one. So really the entire initial sequence state is in the state file and system clock. That's way to likely to overlap IMHO, particularly on vm images that may not update the system clock immediately on spawning an image, before the app comes up.

Your point about always using a new MAC when you thaw or duplicate a vm image is well taken.

I'm convinced that when code has cryptographic implications, people should not roll their own ad hoc weird solutions. Nearly every platform has a way of accessing high quality entropy. Version 4 random UUID's have been standardized for a while now. I don't understand the logic of using some "I invented this" implementation.

Good lord. Even if they used true randomness to generate their fake MAC, you'd still expect a collision after doing this only about 16 million times. What were they thinking?

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