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Agreed. Craigslist masquerades as some kind of pseudo non-profit (".org") like it's doing the world a favor being a barebones piece of crap. But the reality is that it's an entrenched monopoly squatting on a huge piece of economic land and letting it languish. There are so many features and services that could be useful in this space that just aren't getting created.

I sincerely hope that the courts demolish craigslist's attempts to block smaller players from creating actual utility in the classifieds market.

"More features" is not the answer. I know you think it's the answer, but me and a billion other satisfied CL users are here to insist that it's not.

I appreciate a minimalist UI design. I really do. But I don't see it as mutually exclusive to providing genuinely useful features. IMO craigslist could add a number of features w/o sacrificing its core minimalism. Case in point: would you prefer Craigslist to drop the new maps feature?

If you think "actual utility" can be created in this space, just create it and masses will follow. Why do you need help from courts?

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