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Free transportation for life? Sounds good, but what about maintenance such as battery replacement, tire replacement, windshield, fluids, plus insurance, tolls, parking etc. May not be as expensive as fuel, but there's no such thing as a free-ride

Exactly, and during those 3-4 decades that the car is around, you have to replace the battery pack 3-4 times. I'm all for EV's and the apparently impressive quality of this specific car, but it would be nice to see a more accurate cost benefit analysis.

Battery replacements are around 10k/decade[1]. Quite a bit less than the 30k/decade estimated petrol specific costs provided by the author.

1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tesla_Model_S#Battery

Your break-even point depends a lot on how much you drive each year. I drive about 3000 miles a year (primarily to get to mass transit) and my car gets about 25 mpg in local driving, using 120 gallons of gas a year. At around $4 per gallon, that's only $480 a year or $4800 per decade. My car is 12 years old, so I'd expect a car bought this year to be more efficient.

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