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  - 1-800-FLOWERS
  - 1-800-CONTACTS
  - hotels.com

I have no idea what those brands stand for...I don't associate them with anything other than something probably related to the word... when I think I need a hotel I don't think go to hotels.com I think go to price line or kayak.

If I had to guess I bet the flowers one is about flowers, the contacts one about contacts and the hotels one is about hotels... Amazing!

branding is much more than just being associated with a category. It is about how people perceive your brand. I cannot tell you anything about those brands other than they do something related to that category...

Here is a good contrast, "I associate Southwest Airlines with Cheap, No Frills Flights." I don't know anything about those brands... the name doesn't tell me anything about WHY I SHOULD BUY FROM THEM.

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