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Agree completely, and think the same thing that would keep you from using FL prevents a 1k+ farm from picking it up, which is the action of usage itself is a barrier. An idea would be to track you through the day and create a log that you could then markup/import into FL at night.

As for the weekend users, I was talking more about a well executed "garden planner" with lots of learning and reference information. The look and feel on farmlogs is already in that space sorta, with the trendy ui. Before I had grown for a couple years, and then moved out to 50 acres, I would have payed and did pay for tools, but they all failed pretty hard below the some form of row crop range.

I did have a look at http://www.growveg.com which was surprisingly good, but still does not tie in the fact that most of the users are going to be novices, that need education with the tools. The suggestion/education/local tie in for a garden planner is a space that is as of yet untapped, and there are a lot more weekend warriors to pay monthly or annual fees than farmers.

I guess my thinking on thousands of acres is that management of people starts to become an issue. Keeping track of what your employees have done, and should do next, is something that needs to be communicated anyway. Whether FarmLogs beats the two-way radio remains to be seen, but I think there is potential there.

Of course there is competition in that space too. John Deere has an integrated management solution on this level built right into their equipment from the factory. It actually looks very slick, reporting all kinds of data that FarmLogs will struggle to access without the same level of integration. I expect it is a little too costly for the average sized farm though, which is where FarmLogs may fit in.

I do think they have hit the mark on grain storage management. While that is not a big problem on my farm, as we send all our grain straight to the elevator, it is a real problem other farms have. It is a request I have heard many farmers make. That is data that is easy to lose track of and one you want to have at your fingertips.

I'm quite keen to watch where they take the company. I think they could use what they have as a good starting point to solve some of the deeper problems in the industry.

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