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In case people are interested, the talks from previous events are online at https://vimeo.com/hnlondon

I was at this event (the 'freelancer' in the front row getting picked on by Sanderson), it was brilliant. Big thank you to yourself and Steve for putting on such a good show.

You are totally welcome :)

Hey Dmitri, a couple of questions...

Will you be reducing the involvement of sponsors now you're raising £3k per event?

What are the additional events and projects now in the pipeline as a result of the extra funds?

Having just got back from San Francisco and seeing a lot of the pay-it-forward culture in action, I'm glad there is a fee at it means that we're able to contribute to something that can help build something larger and be part of a difference in the London startup culture. So I'm really keen to hear about how those funds are now going to be invested to make that change happen.

Not at all. I think many of the sponsors are providing huge value to the community and I don't see much point in reducing their involvement. Another event that I am hoping organise very soon is a screening of The Startup Kids film. There is also a hackathon in the pipeline, though I am still working out some of the details.

I'll let Dmitri give his own response but one thing I will mention is the fact that the cost of putting on the event each month is in excess of £2k and that's not taking into account Dmitri's time & efforts (or mine for that matter).

Dmitiri's plans for improving the event are solid but it's not my place to reveal them.

I see first hand how much time and effort Dmitri puts into organising this event, and I can't imagine how he (or anyone) would be able to make this event sustainable without getting an income from it.

When you consider transaction fees, tax and expenses, Dmitri is being generous with his time.

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