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You aren't creepy. This particular issue is reverse sexism. But heaven forbid it should ever be seriously discussed while there are all those 'neckbeards' out there to point fingers at.

Hmm, it doesn't seem to be prejudice against all men, but negative stereotyping of male nerds in particular. Many men are guilty of it too, unfortunately. Even many of those who try to get more women into CS.

I think you guys are missing the point. She's just a high school girl talking about 'boys' the way high school girls do.

What I'd hope people key in on is that computer science is a medium of expression, creation, and creativity. I don't think anyone here would disagree with that, but it's apparently not so obvious to everyone, and worth driving that point home when selling the field, particularly to women who may value that aspect of a career as much or more than men.

> I don't think anyone here would disagree with that

Why, I disagree. In the majority of programming jobs that exist in the world, any attempt at creative expression will be shot down.

In fact, if the feel-good stories are true and women are indeed better than men at communication and creativity, that might be already sufficient to explain why there are so few of them in programming jobs, writing Java beans to automate payrolls and such. If you had such strengths, would you want such a job?

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