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Don't forget maintainability.

Anything moderately complex in matlab quickly becomes a maintainability nightmare, in my experience. Matlab discourages modularity (functions have to be either one line or in a separate file), and writing tests of any sort is unnecessarily difficult in Matlab.

Beyond that, Numpy is remarkably clean once you know how to use it. How many times do you see "tile" and "repmat" calls in matlab just to multiply two matrices? Numpy's broadcasting is a simple but remarkably useful feature.

Finally, numpy gives you much tighter control over memory usage than matlab does. This was actually the main reason I switched, personally. I didn't realize how much I was missing for quite awhile.

  > functions have to be either one line or in a separate file
Hasn't been true for a while now. You can have sub-routines and scope-local functions within functions now; embedding a procedure within a script is, of course, still impossible. So the situation has improved ever so slightly...

Good point. I was thinking of lacking functions within scripts, which is quite annoying for small projects, but not a major problem for larger things.

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