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It does actually do this. Do you want the demo document's to zoom? If the document wont fit in the viewport on load, it will zoom. Also, if the document is really small, it will zoom in to fit on load.

Hmm, at the default zoom level when the page loads the flyouts from either side partially cover the page. What I was looking for was a zoom option in the View menu that zoomed the page to fit exactly between the two flyouts when they're open.

BTW I'm incredibly impressed, been looking for something that my girlfriend could use as she's just moving into web design. Muse was pretty disapointing(to say the least). I can see this being a much practical solution. Having seen how good it is I can see myself using it as my go to tool for at least prototype designs.

We dont take the sidebars into account on the viewport calculation :/. We've been thinking a bit about how to make it better on small screens.

That's great to hear. If you have any questions/concerns, etc. as you get deeper into it, shoot me an email: ben@easel.io. I'm here to help.

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