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I see your comments on every Ruby-related thread and you sound like a broken record.

Many of us Ruby-users see the problems in a similar way and try to fix them. It's a learning process and it happens right now. The ruby community is also not an uniform blob. We are not 37signals and we are not the rubygems team. Many of us disagree with some decisions made at these places. Most of us also use other languages and are well aware of the trade-offs that Ruby implies.

This is all worth discussing and the specific problems are worth fixing. The rubygems-team happens to be working on their problem, which is a hard problem, right now; https://gist.github.com/4696144

Your mindless bashing on every Ruby HN-thread contributes nothing. Please use your time for something more productive, e.g. you could go to your preferred language community and help them fix their security problems, which they also have plenty of.

I'd reeeaally like to see a second group of dedicated maintainers that are more concerned about security to step up to the plate, fast. The guys behind Ronin are doing great, but they are really just 2 guys battling against a community which have a track record of producing a code base that has had 8 code execution and 8 SQL injection vulnerabilities so far.



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