I've played around with most of the JavaScript MV(whatever)'s and I'm just not sure about this.
"Flight is organized around the existing DOM model with functionality mapped directly to DOM nodes"
It seems the point of using backbone or which ever other framework (I'm partial to Angular so far), is to decouple from the DOM, so that if and when your markup changes, your JavaScript doesn't. This doesn't seem any better than well written jQuery.
It looks like the concerns are different between Backbone and Flight.
Flight is for building UI components, not client views. I think it might be akin to jquery widget plugins, but with more structure to make it easier and potentially more extensible (eg the mixins).
So yeah, in this case I think they were right to ride on DOM events.
"Flight is organized around the existing DOM model with functionality mapped directly to DOM nodes"
It seems the point of using backbone or which ever other framework (I'm partial to Angular so far), is to decouple from the DOM, so that if and when your markup changes, your JavaScript doesn't. This doesn't seem any better than well written jQuery.
Am I missing something?