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Closed minds of "Open Source" eject iTWire from Linux conference (itwire.com)
2 points by pwg on Jan 30, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

I noticed that ITWire has also come up with a new twist on interstitial ads (the ones you have to close before you can read the content). Their interstitial ad is a floating box and on my browser (Chrome) it floats to the top of the screen. In fact, it floats so high that the checkbox to close the ad is obscured. I couldn't figure out how to close the ad, so I didn't bother to read the article.

Better idea: don't bother with the iTWire. :-)

Uh, major issue in that headline - to be accurate, it should be "Closed minds of iTWire ejected from Linux conference".

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