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No, I think his analogies are terrible because this an issue with people because of the amount of the free space, not the general concept. Like there is no outrage when we lose 10-20% of our space to the system. But in his analogies, those are all cases where no one would tolerate anything more than 0% lossage.

Not that my vegetable analogy is not terrible, but at least it's a case where lossage is normal, and it's just excessive lossage that we would be upset about.

  | But in his analogies, those are all cases where
  | no one would tolerate anything more than 0%
  | lossage.
If you buy a box of 100 staples, do you count to make sure that there aren't only 92 staples in the box? Would you notice if you only got 33 staples?

Harddrive space is consumed like flour or sugar is, not as eggplants are.

Nobody says "I want n pounds of eggplant", rather they say "I want n eggplants". They then pay based on weight, for the convenience of the grocer.

On the other hand, you don't want "n bags of flour" but rather "n pounds of flour". If flour were being sold such that more than a miniscule single-digit percentage of that weight were actually packaging, people would be justifiably upset.

> those are all cases where no one would tolerate anything more than 0% lossage.

Who says the size of a TV has to be measured not including the bezel?

Who says the seats in a car have to hold anyone taller than 4 feet?

I believe the FTC says screen dimensions must be viewable area. Coming from the CRT days when the bezel did cover part of the screen.

Exactly. The advertising of a consumer product is regulated for the FTC because otherwise it could be confusing / misleading.

Car seating is DMV in the US. And yes, they have specs - you can't claim it seats more than average amounts of humans without backing that up by claiming they're unusually small.

Precisely my point.

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