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Today I had a strange thought: did Aaron kill himself because he thought it was the only solution to end the madness of the system?

I think not.

If he'd been planning to use his own death to bring about radical change, you'd think he'd at least have arranged for a suicide note to appear on his website after he was gone, or something.

I haven't seen anything like that, and if it existed and was accessible to the public, I'm sure it would've appeared on HN's front page by now.

Then again, if he was planning this, we could account for our observations by saying maybe he mailed instructions, passwords, documents and public statements to someone he trusted to make the greatest impact with it, and that person's sitting on the information, watching the momentum build, waiting for the most effective time to release it. The noise about this has been deafeningly loud for us in the tech community for quite some time, but only in the last day or so have I noticed this story being picked up by mainstream news outlets.

Sort of like the "Life of David Gale":http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Life_of_David_Gale

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