I used it (YankRing) for some time, but it was never consistent. The plus point is that it works across terminal, otoh often "p" did not work, so i would have to do "YRShow" and select.
Often this is used, but everything you delete gets copied to your clipboard.
set clipboard=unnamed
So i prefer to map C-c and C-x (or whatever) to copy/cut to clipboard.
" regardless of clipboard option, c-c copies selection to clip
vmap <C-c> "+y
" cut into clipboard
vmap <C-x> "+d
" copy to clipboard, http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4767227 , use 3 \y to copy 3 lines
map <leader>y "+yy
" paste from clipboard
map <leader>p "+p
" delete to black hole register, not going to clipboard etc
nnoremap <leader>d "_d
vnoremap <leader>d "_d
I've also mapped a key to write selected lines to a file, and another to read from it.
Often this is used, but everything you delete gets copied to your clipboard.
So i prefer to map C-c and C-x (or whatever) to copy/cut to clipboard. I've also mapped a key to write selected lines to a file, and another to read from it. Pls refer to post below on "reattach to user namespace" for OSX ML users.