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Billing software gets a 2013 relaunch (cashboardapp.com)
4 points by subimage on Jan 9, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Just relaunched the main facing site for Cashboard a few days ago.

It's responsively designed with the Gumby CSS framework, and should be retina-fied for all of you guys with fancy displays.

Some other interesting stuff for 2013...

- We just dropped a killer mobile app for iOS and Android

- There's a new, cheaper pricing plan (compare us with some of the other options out there...we beat em all)

- We have a slick new help site and are prepping getting started guides to help new customers

Just wanted to share. Thanks for checking it out.

Are there any plans to allow international customers (for me, UK and Netherlands) to accept credit card payments?

Integration with Moneybookers (or similar) would enable a huge range of payment options for European freelancers, and could really help you secure your spot in the market.

If there were payment options other than PayPal, I would be signing for a premium account instead of writing this comment ;-)

Yes we're working with First Data / Citibank right now on this very agreement.

However, this is the first I've heard of Moneybookers. Why do you prefer them over PayPal or something else?

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