Picric acid is pretty evil. Don't just store it wet, but store it under a layer of water. Even then I'd be wary of it. Heck, just avoid it, it's too dangerous.
The damn thing blew up while being prodded with a stick by a friend, and I'm pretty sure the concoction was still quite wet.
Well, at least nobody was badly hurt, and we accomplished what we set out to do - which was to detonate a small amount of PA somewhere on the outskirts of town. We just didn't envision exploding it anywhere near one of the members of our team. :/
> Mr Atkinson, I salute you for making it interesting and turning a blind eye
Yeah, let's not mention "blind eyes" in this context.
The damn thing blew up while being prodded with a stick by a friend, and I'm pretty sure the concoction was still quite wet.
Well, at least nobody was badly hurt, and we accomplished what we set out to do - which was to detonate a small amount of PA somewhere on the outskirts of town. We just didn't envision exploding it anywhere near one of the members of our team. :/
> Mr Atkinson, I salute you for making it interesting and turning a blind eye
Yeah, let's not mention "blind eyes" in this context.