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I don't get all the hate towards infinite scroll. Personally, I like it!


Q: Hey John Doe, check out page 3 at site.com, I totally want to buy item 3 and 6.

A: Obviously by the time John Doe checks the site/link item 3 and 6 might be something entirely different. People send direct links to items.


Q: Oh no, I don't know where I am in the scroll list.

A: Who gives a rats ass? Your content is right there. Interesting items you found along they you open in a new tab so that you don't have to backtrack.


Q: But I want to quick jump to page 45?

A: Why 45? You just pulled that number from your hat (read: ass) anyway. What you really should be looking for is the search field.


Q: But I never get to see the footer!

A: The what...? I don't think I've looked at a site footer since '94. Navigation is at the top, and bullshit at the bottom.


I just don't get peoples need to "know where they are", like it made a difference?

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