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Not saying anything about the guy's experience (I usually take people at face value when they say what they do), but karma's a pretty shitty measure to judge expertise.

- Signed, the guy with 23,000 karma, who was once #2 on the leaderboard and is still in the top 30.

I think there's a lot more meaning in the difference between 0 and 600 karma, than the difference between 600 and 23,000 karma. I was only speaking to my willingness to believe this guy wasn't flat lying or exaggerating about his position, or simply trolling. But tips hat point taken.

For what its worth, I;m not lying or exaggerating. I can send you my LinkedIn if you'd like and it would be clear I'm not lying. I suppose I could have provided some examples, but I would have been a lot more willing to do so if the guys original response had been "can you give a few examples" versus "hey stranger on the internet, let me accuse you of lying about what your job is, because that seems rational..."

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