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Why not make your URLs responsive? (responsiveurl.co.uk)
16 points by duck on Dec 12, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

I liked the use of progressive responsiveness!

    0.  http://responsiveurl.co.uk/while/were/making/every/damn/thing/responsive/lets/not/forget/about/the/url/
    1.  http://responsiveurl.co.uk/while/were/making/everything/responsive/lets/not/forget/the/url/
    2.  http://responsiveurl.co.uk/while/were/making/everything/responsive/dont/forget/the/url/
    3.  http://responsiveurl.co.uk/were/making/everything/responsive/dont/forget/the/url/
    4.  http://responsiveurl.co.uk/making/everything/responsive/dont/forget/the/url/
    5.  http://responsiveurl.co.uk/making/everything/responsive/dont/forget/url/
    6.  http://responsiveurl.co.uk/making/responsive/dont/forget/url/
    7.  http://responsiveurl.co.uk/responsive/dont/forget/url/
    8.  http://responsiveurl.co.uk/responsive/url/
    9.  http://responsiveurl.co.uk/rspnsv/url/
    10. http://responsiveurl.co.uk/
    11. http://rspnsvurl.co.uk/

I got a quick laugh from this, especially that the demo actually worked! However, as the blog post mentioned, for the love of god people, do not do this for real. Haha

Terrible idea, but I could see someone implementing a version of this which displays:



for mobile vs desktop in an application.

It makes me shudder.

So much for "Uniform"

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