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Build an iOS App in 10 Minutes with Heroku (heroku.com)
50 points by songzme on Dec 11, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

Really, it's watch someone build an app in 10 minutes, moving so fast and with such preparation that the timescale doesn't matter.

I've watched so many instructional series on development recently; this was very weak on actual instruction, and heavy on the gimmick of being done in 10 minutes.

Also, it was already posted last week.

My immediate reaction: Ugh, all that boilerplate. I have no idea what is going on with all of that, and I'm not sure how I would work it out on my own.

Yeah, boilerplate isn't the greatest. Hopefully the instructions on this Dev Center article clear up a few things: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/ios-core-data-buildpac...

If you're looking for a long form version of this, check out the companion Heroku Dev Center article: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/ios-core-data-buildpac...

I wanted to keep the pace snappy, since dead air and typing isn't too exciting. You may not get everything the first play through, but since it's a video, you can always pause and rewind and needed :)

I didn't watch the video but I'm pretty tired of this catch phrases, build an iOS app in 10 minutes coming from serious businesses.

Any app that was built in 10 minutes is not worth 1 minute of my time.

Gross headline. I'd hope, at the very least, that a designer would spend more than 10 minutes designing the thing.

That said: I've dropped AFIncrementalStore into a Core Data project, and it was wonderfully easy to add to the project. I'm still getting started with it, but it's proven to be far easier than working with RestKit's setup.

I would like to build an App in 10 minutes. Great catch. Still watched it and read it. Enjoyed.

android coming?

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