...and that's why you don't use Facebook Like buttons and Boxes all over your site. because it looks broken and full of errors now. Also, I don't want to know what this outage is doing to all the "Log in with Facebook" buttons right now.
On a serious note: DNS issue.
The authoritative nameservers a.ns.facebook.com and b.ns.facebook.com seem to be "set up" like this a the moment:
*.facebook.com ->(cname) star.facebook.com -> no answer
facebook.com still resolves the correct (?) IPs, but www.facebook.com, developers.facebook.com, graph.facebook.com all starting to die as your DNS cache expires. That's why it still might work for some at the moment while it really is broken.
You load the JS SDK using the "fif" pattern. If it fails to load, none of the tags like <fb:like> etc get replaced by iframes, so no errors on the page. `DOMContentLoaded` and `onload` on your page fire as usual. It's as if the site doesn't even use FB widgets
If it's down for you, try these IPs, to check whether is a DNS problem.
facebook.com. 1690 IN A
facebook.com. 1690 IN A
facebook.com. 1690 IN A
facebook.com. 1690 IN A
facebook.com. 1690 IN A
facebook.com. 1690 IN A
It seems like a SERVER has been taken down. Due to the large differences in location, it seems like a server(s) that service(s) multiple locations has/have been taken out. People are screaming Anon, but it could be a power outage and have the same effect.
wont work for me ireland, so i tried americanproxy.org home page and log in option came up but no homepage after i put my password in, still worked tho after hiding my ip address!
you have to change your DNS nameservers.
this works for me.
z.nic.de Anycast (Berlin, Frankfurt/Main, Miami, Moscow, Sao Paulo) .
Not only was the site down for me in San Francisco but the Likes count buttons on several blogs were not loading. Can't the like button at least be cached?
On a serious note: DNS issue.
The authoritative nameservers a.ns.facebook.com and b.ns.facebook.com seem to be "set up" like this a the moment:
*.facebook.com ->(cname) star.facebook.com -> no answer
facebook.com still resolves the correct (?) IPs, but www.facebook.com, developers.facebook.com, graph.facebook.com all starting to die as your DNS cache expires. That's why it still might work for some at the moment while it really is broken.