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Configurable User Models in Django 1.5 (procrastinatingdev.com)
65 points by craigkerstiens on Nov 30, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 20 comments

The whole USERNAME_FIELD / REQUIRED_FIELDS thing feels clunkier that it should be.

Isn't defining REQUIRED_FIELDS redundant, since this information could be introspected from the fields?

I'm the author of the feature, so I figured I should give some explanation.

REQUIRED_FIELDS is used internally in one place -- in the createsuperuser management command. When you run that command, you are prompted for the minimal set of fields to create a user object. REQUIRED_FIELDS is that list of fields.

Could this be used elsewhere? Sure. A model form, for example, could use this list as the minimal data to create a user object.

Could this be replaced with some model introspection? Possibly. On my first pass through, this is exactly what I tried to do. And the code got messy really quickly.

At a first approximation, any field with blank=False and no default is essentially "required". However, what about BooleanFields? BooleanFields have an automatically default to False, but that doesn't necessarily mean that False is an appropriate value. And what about custom fields that use the same "built-in default" pattern?

There's also a possible edge case where a field strictly isn't required (e.g., it's blankable) but from a business logic perspective, you always want to have a value.

Ultimately, I came to the conclusion that the mess was worth it. That said, I'm not 100% opposed to cleaning it up. Essentially, if someone can make createsuperuser work without the need for REQUIRED_FIELDS, and the code is robust and isn't a mess, I'm willing to look at the patch before 1.5 final. However, I'm not planning on looking at this problem myself.

"I'm the author of the feature ... "

Thank you.

I agree it's a bit clunky, but...

Making REQUIRED_FIELDS figure itself out from introspection means we all risk getting hurt by unanticipated edge cases.

I would rather deal with a small bit of clunk than magical code touching my user model.

The point is: what does REQUIRED_FIELDS do? Model validation? Form validation? Can you put a blank=True field on REQUIRED_FIELDS? Can you not put a blank=False on REQUIRED_FIELDS?

It's duplicating behavior in two different places, and it's not entirely clear what it does, or what overrides what. This is much worse than introspection, because you'll have to patch Django to fix any inconsistencies instead of just changing your model definition / inheriting forms accordingly.

See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/auth/#django.co...

The quick version is that it's not duplicating behavior, the documentation is simply still undergoing work. We'll try and make it a bit more clear in the days to come.

The long version is that during user creation sometimes you have fields that for whatever reason are not required by the database but are required for the user to enter in. This is because user creation is often more complex than it seems on the surface, and there is already existing django.contrib.auth.views that need this sort of configuration. REQUIRED_FIELDS gives you the control to force the user to enter data while not not altering the database.

Is it ideal? Not really. But having dealt with user creation through email, OAuth, OpenID, LDAP, SOAP, and worse, having this as a configurable setting is better than an auto-magic introspection.

Finally, I'll return to the documentation issue. I'm officially duly noting that the documentation on this feature needs work. I've opened ticket #19402 to address this issue. See https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/19402

> The long version is that during user creation sometimes you have fields that for whatever reason are not required by the database but are required for the user to enter in. This is because user creation is often more complex than it seems on the surface, and there is already existing django.contrib.auth.views that need this sort of configuration. REQUIRED_FIELDS gives you the control to force the user to enter data while not not altering the database.

Could you please explain this further? Is REQUIRED_FIELDS intended for use cases where some users are created by import/migration, but others by sign-up forms (with more requirements)?

From grepping the 1.5beta1 source code, it appears that the only place where REQUIRED_FIELDS is actually read is in contrib/auth/management/commands/createsuperuser.py.

Rather than get into a huge discussion here, I'm going to spend my time working the ticket I mentioned.

This isn't production ready code/documentation, it's a BETA release. Your issue has been noted and we are digging in. :-)

I'm really looking forward to using this, but very much dreading getting us migrated over to it. I expect we'll be spending some quality time with south, and lots of mucking with our relational fields.

We recently did this, and it's not that big of a deal. In our case, a 30-line sql script did the job (mostly related to renaming fk fields in other tables, and re-creating indexes and constraints). More than happy to share, although it's very specific to our app of course.

I'd be really interested to hear about the actual migration. That's what I thought this article was going to be about, instead of just how to use the feature.

We just went through this... renaming the table is easy via south. The worst part is either ditching your historic south migrations, or rewriting them to be myusers_user, since auth_user (in our case, and typically) wasn't south-managed, so it can't be 'unmanaged'.

Remember to check you can recreate an bare database, or you'll be in for nasty surprises sometime later :)

I'm going to have a blog post going through how to migrate sometime next week. You should subscribe ;)

PS I'm the author of this post.

Creating the admin part for the new User model is quite a bit of work. You will have to not only create a new ModelAdmin but also create new forms and/or views for all the CRUD operations.

The amount of work involved is entirely dependent on how different your User model is. If you've got a model where the username is even similar to the normal Django User, you don't need to redefine anything - you can use the existing forms and ModelAdmin.

If your model uses a different identifer field (e.g., email, rather than username), or doesn't share common fields with the default User, then yes, you'll need to redefine some forms. That shouldn't be too surprising, though -- if you've created a model that's nothing like Django's default User model, it shouldn't be surprising that you need to do some work to support it.

However, you shouldn't need to redefine any views, and the forms that need redefinition are fairly simple -- a fully worked example is in the docs.

On top of that, those forms and ModelAdmin definitions should be extremely reusable - it will be easy to package an "email-based" user model for reuse between projects.

I was trying to extend AbstractUser with just one extra field and realised that it was not easy. But then you are correct that it is how rest of Django works.

Is it possible now to allow easy email/password login ? Anyway i found that app user profile declouped from the admin user profile made sense too.

Yes - that's the primary goal of the change. However, there's lots of other possibilities, too. The point is to make the definition of the "User" model as flexible as possible.

HTML5 form tags plz Wish we can get input type="email" required instead

Until HTML5 gets into core, just use django-floppyforms.

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